LifeWave X39 Patch
Experience a level of health and vitality that you have not experienced since you were in your youth.
Available at our clinic or direct order affiliate link: (affiliate # 651804)
30 day no questions asked guarantee
Patches come with 30 day money back guarantee (affiliate #651804)
Experience a new level of vitality with endless improvement to your overall health in areas including your energy, mental clarity, sleep, reduced inflammation and reduction in the appearance of lines and wrinkles.
Optimum health and wellness can now be yours with X39, a new approach to improving the way your body fosters the flow of energy in your body for improvements in strength, stamina and beyond. By gently stimulating the skin with light, our general wellness, non-transdermal patches help you conquer your active life-style and pave a new way to vibrant health.
The science of phototherapy, which has been around for about 100 years, uses light to improve the health of the body. As far back as two thousand years ago, the ancient Greeks had a center for studying the effects of different colored lights on the body. Even the ancient Egyptians, who promoted health by focusing sunlight through colored glass on certain areas of the body, understood this concept.
How to Wear X39
✓ Wear your X39 patch 12 hours on and 12 hours off to repair and rejuvenate.
✓ Throw away the X39 patch after 12 hours.
✓ Put a new patch on 12 hours later and repeat daily. You can wear more than one patch at a time.
✓ Drink plenty of water.
How X39 Works
✓ Proprietary form of phototherapy
✓ Patented nanocrystal technology
✓ Reflects light to activate
✓ Non-transdermal
✓ No drugs, chemicals or stimulants
✓ Non-invasive
Placement of the patches.
Lifewave X39 patch for Holistic Health, Improved strength
What is Phototherapy
How X39 Works
Dr Leland Stillman explains : The Science Behind X39™ and Its Benefits for the Body
X39 long term results
Testimonials for X39
LifeWave Meets Ironman