We use and recommend:

Bach Flower Remedies – are a great adjunct to any treatment. The 38 homeopathic plant & flower based remedies can help manage the emotional demands of everyday life. Each remedy aids a specific emotion. You can take them individually or mix them together to match the way you feel. Ask for the best mix of remedies to support your health and wellbeing.

Tissue Salts & Homeopathic Complexes – based on the replenishing the body’s 12 essential minerals, they are valuable microdose cells foods prepared homeopathically to ensure rapid and easy assimilation for speedy restoration of the natural balance of the body system.A

Sea Mineral Tonics, produced originally by Gerry Amena, simple, effective and inexpensive.

.  SupaBoost – helps the immune system get rid of the critters in whatever form.

.  Hawthorn – helps circulation

.  Stinging Nettles – helps reproductive system issues

.  Pure Aussie – provides the minerals we need in the easiest most balanced way.

We’ve had excellent feedback from individuals taking it, how it improved health generally, and assisting the body get over some pretty serious health conditions.