Ear Candling is an ancient therapy used to relieve symptoms of:
- Nervous tension, Stress, Irritability, Anxiety, Depression
- Sinusitis or Rhinitis
- Allergies
- Ear ache, inflection or ear related headache
- Glue ear
- Hearing difficulties, tinnitus (ringing) – due to fluid/wax
- Sore throats
- Assists lymphatic draining and slow lymphatic circulation
- Relieving ear pressure, especialy after flying, deep sea diving
- Improving balance and equilibrium – including vertigo
- Relief from dental procedures
- Safe removal of excessive wax build up
- TMJ pain and stiffness
- Note: our candles are handmade by practitioners in Victoria (CHH), using high quality ingredients. Candle sits on a cone, that sits on the ear, no candle/wax go in the ear.
- To book your appointment email us or call 0417 032 644