Uprooting the Leading Causes of Death

Would you like to make the New Year your healthiest one yet? And help prevent and even reverse chronic health problems, pain and inflammation?

Then you need to watch Dr Michael Greber “Uprooting the Leading Causes of Death” now

I’ve started reading Dr Greger’s new book How Not to Die and its is an eye opener, highly recommend to help one live well, live long.

Can Sounds Heal?

It appears sounds can heal… there are specific musical frequencies that have a deeply soothing, balancing effect.  One could say, there are certain musical frequencies that can re-calibrate the brain. I know it makes an even greater difference when it’s used in conjunction with a remedial, deep tissue massage, the experience is deeper and more profound.

Recently came across the sound therapy created by Regina Murphy, and am really liking it  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3Qz6Tfl3KQ&sns=em




‘Poor people who cook are a lot healthier and leaner than rich people who don’t’

I have a real passion for health and wellness, and food, what we consume and how it’s cooked are vital to achieving peak health and body shape and size.
Did you know that as rates of home cooking declined, obesity levels sky rocketed….?
Watch this very absorbing informative video by Michael Pollan, author of ‘How Cooking Can Change Your Life’