
How ‘natural’ is the product you want to buy?

It  can be confusing choosing, personal care, like shampoos, skin care, sun screens. A lot of times ‘natural’ is a marketing gimmick.
This is a handy app tool to scan any product to see how safe it is, it is assigned a number 1-10 and colour coded. The higher the number, the less safe it is, if it’s red, well forget it, lowers no. & green is the way to go.

You may also like thee CHEMICAL MAZE app, it’s a shopping companion, so you know what all those ingredients, and chemical descriptions stand for

Hope you find it as useful as I have


How To Stay Young

Thoroughly enjoyed this documentary on How To Stay Young’.. Loved the doctor now 101 who retired at 95 to spend more time at home, and still capable of carrying out medical procedures. Surprisingly he’s
been a vegan for fifty years.

See what type of diet reduces mortality by 1/4

Health and longevity it seems are lifestyle choices

Uprooting the Leading Causes of Death

Would you like to make the New Year your healthiest one yet? And help prevent and even reverse chronic health problems, pain and inflammation?

Then you need to watch Dr Michael Greber “Uprooting the Leading Causes of Death” now

I’ve started reading Dr Greger’s new book How Not to Die and its is an eye opener, highly recommend to help one live well, live long.

Can Sound Therapy Help Heal Parkinson’s or chronic disease?

I recently came across the work of Regina Murphy, an outstanding sound therapist. She has developed quite powerful sound therapy music/vibrations to assist with health, and healing. She generously offers quite a few free programs, like this one for Parkinson’s, one of her latest.

There appears to be a link with out of balance gut flora and a lot of chronic health conditions, including Parkinsons, good old Hippocrates, the father of Medicine, way back said that ‘all diseases begin in the gut’.

About Health & Healing

The big C, most people run scared on the mention of this ‘boogeyman’, and treat it like a life/death predicament.  And yet, there are many individuals that have recovered and thrived, become stronger and healthier than before.  Fear is the biggest obstacle.  That’s why I really like what this 9 part documentary The Truth About Cancer

series does, it demystifies the problem, which can be applied to any chronic health disease and used to support greater levels of health and well being.  There are interviews with amazing doctors, and health professionals, and many patients and  people that are living testament to the efficacy of the various methods of healing and recovery.

Hope you enjoy it as much as I did, it is an eye opener