
How ‘natural’ is the product you want to buy?

It  can be confusing choosing, personal care, like shampoos, skin care, sun screens. A lot of times ‘natural’ is a marketing gimmick.
This is a handy app tool to scan any product to see how safe it is, it is assigned a number 1-10 and colour coded. The higher the number, the less safe it is, if it’s red, well forget it, lowers no. & green is the way to go.

You may also like thee CHEMICAL MAZE app, it’s a shopping companion, so you know what all those ingredients, and chemical descriptions stand for

Hope you find it as useful as I have


Uprooting the Leading Causes of Death

Would you like to make the New Year your healthiest one yet? And help prevent and even reverse chronic health problems, pain and inflammation?

Then you need to watch Dr Michael Greber “Uprooting the Leading Causes of Death” now

I’ve started reading Dr Greger’s new book How Not to Die and its is an eye opener, highly recommend to help one live well, live long.

Studies show: Turmeric the better treatment for osteoarthritis?

I have treated quite a few of clients with joint/knee problems, diagnosed with osteoarthritis, characterised by loss of cartilage in the joints. Most have been told by the health practitioner that its caused by mechanical wear and tear.

According to Dr. Michael Greger it is “now generally accepted to be an active joint disease with a prominent inflammatory component.”
This is supported by the fact that, for example, there is significantly higher production of inflammatory prostaglandins from tissue samples obtained from the knees of people suffering from the disease.

Osteoarthritis is the most frequent cause of physical disability among older adults in the world, affecting more than 20 million in US alone. It is estimated that 20% of us will be affected in the coming decades and it is becoming more and more widespread among younger people.

The good news is, ‘If the loss of cartilage is caused by inflammation, an anti-inflammatory diet may indeed help. A recent review concluded that using optimal nutrition and exercise as the “first-line” intervention in the management of chronic osteoarthritis could well constitute the best medical practice.

The latest study took 50 patients suffering from mild-to-moderate knee osteoarthritis and gave them either the best available medical treatment, which included control with anti-inflammatory drugs and pain-killers, or the best available treatment along with curcumin (turmeric) supplement. The group with the added curcumin did significantly better, and were able to double their walking distance (see the results in my video, Turmeric Curcumin and Osteoarthritis). The curcumin group was also able to significantly decrease their drug use, side-effects, swelling hospitalizations, and other treatments.

In fact they found turmeric had as good or better results for patients with knee osteoarthritis, over a six week period, than those on drugs, without the potential side-effect of like ulceration bleeding and perforation of the stomach and intestines (that is, it can eat right through your stomach wall). In fact, that happened to someone in the study. Whereas the side-effects of curcumin include potentially protecting against a long list of diseases.
I found using turmeric with an oil, like olive oil, as a salda dressing, makes the turmeric even more potent or bio-available.

And as to what constitutes an optimal nutrition to prevent this quite of health problem, and improve overall health?
‘The China study “showed the serious health consequences of high consumption of pro-inflammatory foods (meat, dairy, fat, and junk) and low consumption of anti-inflammatory plant foods (whole grains, vegetables and fruits, and beans, split peas, chickpeas and lentils).” The unnatural Western diet “contributes to low-grade systemic inflammation, and oxidative tissue stress and irritation, placing the immune system in an overactive state, a common denominator of conditions such as arthritis.”


‘Poor people who cook are a lot healthier and leaner than rich people who don’t’

I have a real passion for health and wellness, and food, what we consume and how it’s cooked are vital to achieving peak health and body shape and size.
Did you know that as rates of home cooking declined, obesity levels sky rocketed….?
Watch this very absorbing informative video by Michael Pollan, author of ‘How Cooking Can Change Your Life’

Why the right fat is good for you and promotes health and weight loss

According to Dr David Perlmutter, MD, author of the book Grain Brain, our brain runs on fat, not sugar/carbohydrates. Some of the foods that were vilified like whole eggs, coffee, coconut oil, are actually what your brain & body needs to stay healthy.
It is shocking we’ve been encouraged to consume grains and carbohydrates for better health, when in fact that is what’s contributing to type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s, dementia, weight gain etc.
This interview with Dr. Perlmutter is very revealing

Check out the 5 Keys to better health

5 Keys to Eating for Better Brain Health