Why the right fat is good for you and promotes health and weight loss

According to Dr David Perlmutter, MD, author of the book Grain Brain, our brain runs on fat, not sugar/carbohydrates. Some of the foods that were vilified like whole eggs, coffee, coconut oil, are actually what your brain & body needs to stay healthy.
It is shocking we’ve been encouraged to consume grains and carbohydrates for better health, when in fact that is what’s contributing to type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s, dementia, weight gain etc.
This interview with Dr. Perlmutter is very revealing

Check out the 5 Keys to better health

5 Keys to Eating for Better Brain Health

Basics of good health


Veggie pix


Quite a few of my clients were unaware of the effect of food on their health. Chronic pain and inflammation like arthritis are definitely affected by the food we eat, our diet can kill us or heal us.   It seems all the key things in life, like how finance/money work, and how to maintain and improve health are not really taught at school.  This knowledge needs to be sought out from independent sources, because there’s always people ‘peddling’ half truths for profit.

Dr. Ben Kim has some good advice  in layman’s terms about the effect of different food groups on the body, that are either acid or alkaline pH, our blood pH is 7.35 to 7.45, which is slightly more alkaline than pure water.  Our diet needs to err more on the alkaline side, most convenience foods tend to be high on the acid scale and really make it hard for our body to keep us in good health. ‘Most carbonated soft drinks (pop) have a pH of about 3, making them about ten thousand times more acidic than pure water.  

Acid and Alkaline-Forming Effects of Common Foods

Generally speaking, most vegetables and fruits have an alkaline-forming effect on your body fluids.
Most grains, animal foods, and highly processed foods have an acid-forming effect on your body fluids.
Your health is best served by a good mix of nutrient-dense, alkaline and acid-forming foods; ideally, you want to eat more alkaline-forming foods than acid-forming foods to have the net acid and alkaline-forming effects of your diet match the slightly alkaline pH of your blood.
The following lists indicate which common foods have an alkaline-forming effect on your body fluids, and which ones result in acid ash formation when they are digested and assimilated into your system.

Foods that have a Moderate to Strong Alkaline-Forming Effect

Sweet, seedless grapes
Vegetable juices
Alfalfa sprouts
Most herbs

Foods that have a Moderate to Strong Acid-Forming Effect

Soft drinks (pop)
White sugar
Refined Salt
Artificial sweeteners
Antibiotics (and most drugs)
White flour products (including pasta)
White vinegar
Most boxed cereals
Most beans
Flesh meats
Most types of bread
This is not a comprehensive list.
If you’re eating mainly grains, flour products, animal foods, and washing these foods down with coffee, soda, and milk, you will almost certainly improve your health by replacing some of your food and beverage choices with fresh vegetables and fruits.
(Dr. Ben Kim, The Truth About Alkalizing Your Blood).
Dr. Robert Young, the pH Miracle is another great source of information on this topic.



How massage helps with flexibility and mobility at any age

The Fuzz Speech, Gil Hedley


Check out Gil Hedley’s video, he actually uses cadavers, tastefully done, viewer discretion advised, to show how our muscles and fascia tighten with ‘fuzz’ after sleep or period of inactivity. Stretching and massage break this up and help restore mobility and flexibility to our body, no matter what the age.

Healing chronic disease & pain results of acidic pH or low voltage

‘The key to making chronic disease better is making a single cell work. If you give the body the things a single cell needs to work, the body often has the power to heal all of the cells of the body’ – Dr. Jerry Tenant.

Our cells & body are ‘electrical’, too much acid in the body  6.5pH or less indicates low voltage, not enough power for our cells to do their job properly and the start of degenerative disease.  Dr. Tenant’s book How to Stay well, shows how the Body is designed to Work, is an eye openner, highly recommended independent information on what we need to stay healthy.

A valuable tool that helps raise the body’s electrical/energy flow are Lifewave acupuncture patches, that help lower pain & inflamation up to 5 degrees in 5 minutes , and support the body ridding itself of toxins, improving immune system, better protection from environmental toxins.  Click on video icon bottom of page for PBS documentary.